
文化交配大員誌—請眾仙I | 寶貝 你好神奇—請眾仙II | 封神之前戲—請眾仙III

「MADE IN TAIWAN」系列的「文化篇」標誌著楊茂林在創作上重要的轉向,不單單是因為他進關渡藝術學院 (現在的台北藝術大學)美術創作研究所攻讀學位期間(1999–2002)接觸了電腦影像合成的新技術,讓他的創作觀念有了突破性的發 展與轉向,題材內容方面也有了顛覆性的改變。相較於之前「政治篇」嚴厲的現狀批判,以及「歷史篇」沉穩而悠遠的歷史敘事,在 「文化篇」當中,楊茂林在作品系列名中挪用庶民生活中的「扮仙」俗儀名稱與形式,請流行次文化的卡漫人 物出場登台,以無厘頭、惡搞的拼貼手法,結合輕佻、張狂的性暗示,怪誕幾近淫穢的情色意象,惡作劇般 地翻轉慣常的美學格調與菁英品味。


MADE IN TAIWAN—Culture Section | 1996-2003

Culture, Intercourse, Tayouan History—Inviting the Immortals I
Baby, You’re Amazing—Inviting the Immortals II
Ceremonies before Rewarding—Inviting the Immortals III
The “Culture Section” of Yang’s MADE IN TAIWAN series represents an important turning point in his work. His sudden conceptual developmen t and dramatic changes in subject matter were the result of enrolling at the National Institute of the Arts (today’s Taipei National University of the Arts), where he assiduously studied for his graduate degree from 1999 to 2002, and his incorporation of new computer imaging techniques. Unlike his “Political Section” cr itical of current affairs and his “History Section” concerned with distant history, Yang’s “Culture Sec tion” relies on references to pān-sian (扮仙 playing the role of God, a form of Chinese folk opera), pop-culture, comic-book characters, and a blend of wúlítóu (無厘頭 makes no sense) and e’gao (惡搞 kuso) humor. In this new section, Yang subverts aestheticism and good taste by mixing frivolity, insolence and sexually suggestive imagery to create outlandish and nearly erotic works.